Dental Bridges Near You
What Are Dental Bridges?
Oral Issues Dental Bridges Address
- Difficulty chewing food properly.
- Trouble speaking clearly.
- Misalignment of remaining teeth.
- Bone loss due to missing teeth.
The Procedure for Getting a Dental Bridge
- We’ll examine your teeth and take precise measurements.
- Impressions of your teeth are made to create your custom bridge.
- A temporary bridge is placed to protect your teeth while a permanent one is made.
- The temporary bridge is removed.
- We make any adjustments that are needed and assess how well your new bridge fits.
- The custom bridge is securely cemented in place.
Caring for Your Dental Bridge
Restore Your Smile With a Dental Bridge Today!
Don’t let missing teeth stop you from smiling confidently! At Glamorgan Dental, we offer flexible payment options to make dental bridges in Calgary accessible to our patients. To arrange your dental consultation, give us a call right now or visit our website.
Also referred to by the more general term of dental veneers, this is primarily a cosmetic service, though it can help restore the function of your smile in minor ways too.
Veneers are essentially thin coverings that are placed over the external surface of your smile in order to hide teeth that are irregularly shaped, severely stained, fragmented, or that have noticeable gaps between them.
When you come in to receive dental veneers near you, your dentist will take molds and x-rays of your smile and send this information to the dental lab. This information allows them to create veneers that match your oral dimensions exactly. Veneers are typically designed from porcelain since this material looks natural, is stain-resistant, and is durable. If you take care to look after your veneers, they can last up to 10 years, perhaps longer.
Before your veneers are attached to your teeth, a bit of your enamel may need to be etched off so they will bond better. For more details about this treatment, feel free to reach out to our staff today.